Elwin (Kippy) Klein

Profile Updated: January 22, 2010
Elwin (Kippy) Klein
Class Year: 1965
Residing In: Lewiston, ID USA
Spouse/Partner: Sally
Occupation: Naturopathic Physician/Acurpuncturist
Children and grandchildren: Wendi, born 1968; Melinda, born 1973; Brian, born 1975; Matthew, born 1980. Grandchildren: Melinda's More…children: Amber, born 1992; Sally, born 2004; Summer, born 2006; Cody, born 2008. Brian's child, Ina Jane, born 2007; Matthew's children, Lillian, born 2008, new baby on the way, one step child.
Military Service: US Navy Medical Corp-Navy Seals  

My nickname is school was Kippy. Now I am known as Dr. Elwin C. Klein. No one, other than Petersburg friends and family would know me as Kippy.

School Story:

My Dad, Elwin M. Klein, wired the high school as it was being built and I used to enjoy watching him at work doing his job.

Favorite Petersburg story:

Under the shrimp cannery buried in the mud was a rowboat which I dug up and repaired. I used it to row in the channel and to travel up Petersburg Creek. One day while doing this the bottom fell out and I didn't know how to swim, so I hung onto the boat while it drifted to shore kicking my feet. That was my first swimming lesson.
On the shore of Petersburg Creek was a public outhouse. We had to be careful not to walk under it because once in a while a torpedo would splat on the beach below and we were in danger of a direct hit.
In the winter time, many neighborhood kids would gather near Doug Welde's house at the top of a hill and sled down toward the main street of town, trying to run each other off the road and see who could make it to the bottom without wrecking. Sometimes we would make ramps and ski down the post office hill, jumping over the ramps we had made. Or ice skate on the big pond in the center of town, and building bon fires on the ice at night.
I can remember going hunting deer hunting on Petersburg Mountain with my Dad and getting trapped in the gully wash carrying deer out, which was nearly impossible if you didn't stay on the ridge descending the mountain. When we would get to the beach, we would have a clambake before crossing the bay to come home.
On one trip across the bay toward Petersburg Mountain, we saw a deer caught in a net on an abandoned homestead. My Dad carefully untangled the deer and on its way to the woods it stopped, turned its head as if to thank us and the skinny deer went on its way.
One time we took our cabin cruiser south of Petersburg, where I caught a 50 pound halibut. We brought it back to a Petersburg restaurant and sold it for $5. I had to reel it in myself and I can remember it was quite a fight, as I was determined to win.


In 1985, my wife and I were invited to be Diplomats representing Texas Chiropractic College teaching laser beam acupuncture and spinal manipulations in Chinese hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai and Xian. We also on this trip went to Tokyo and Osaka, Japan and Hong Kong.
In Tokyo, I was invited to visit the Kodokan, because I am a Black Belt instructor of Black Belts in Judo, Karate and several other martial arts called Shito-ryu Karate and Savate French Foot Fighting. Over the last 30 years I have taught these classes. I spent 19 years and 7 months teaching Karate and Judo to the highway patrol, private citizens, and the US Navy Seals and Marine Corp for hand to hand combat. I spent 3 years teaching in Hollywood, CA at the Bruce Tegner studio on Sunset Blvd. I was asked to be in the movie, Our Man Flint, and skydive with Bruce Tegner in a fighting scene, but it turned out they decided to cancel that scene and have Bruce open the film with a short Karate demo instead. So the owner of the Hollywood tv station was a student at the Tegner school at 5910 Sunset Blvd, where I was an instructor, and he had me demonstrate on a weekly TV show teaching self defense techniques.
In 1986, we traveled to Aruba for a seminar with Dr. Victor Frank, DC on Total Body Modification and Neuro Pathway Techniques, restoring function in the pathways on the the motor nerve between the brain the the body and the sensory nerves from the body to the brain. So that we could teach the muscles to hold vertebra adjustments stable, resulting in only one or two treatment, instead of multi treatments that are required through chiropractic techniques. This results in a quick fix and more stability as the muscles hold the bones in place, even when the vertebra has been traumatized by injury.
Currently, we travel often to Seattle area to visit our oldest daughter, California to visit our oldest son's family, and Nashville, Tennessee to visit our youngest daughter and family and youngest son and family, plus numerous other relatives who live there. I work on some of the country music entertainers while I am there. It is one of our most favorite places to visit.
Another place our travels have taken us is to Florida. Our daughter, Melinda lived in Daytona Beach, so while there, we saw Orlando with it's Disney World attractions and NASA and St. Augustine. Our favorite place in Florida is Sanibel Island where we plan to return to this year for a visit.
We also love North Carolina, where Sally's family is from and attend her Family Reunions in Clifton, North Carolina area. We plan to visit the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse this summer as we enjoy lighthouse hopping, and Biltmore House in Asheville, NC, also Grandfather Mountain nearby.


Currently we have a cat named Bentley because of his crooked tail, Henry, a poker-faced doxie, and Mary, a doxie-mix who is 14 years old.

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